White Tinted Glasses
various outputs, 2020
White Tinted Glasses is the first critical incursions in the history of Italian cultural institutions that I have developed. During the pandemic I began to reflect on the colonial and fascist roots of such institutions and on ways of making them public, highlighting the way such legacies are sanitised, obfuscated or unacknowledged. It stems out of the propositions outlined in a statement that I wrote in late 2019 for the journal From the European South (postcolonialitalia):
(Re)entering the Archive: critical reflections on archives and whiteness
White Tinted Glasses focuses on the planned re-exhibition of the former Colonial Museum in Rome (now interrupted) within the ethnographic museum Museo delle Civiltà. Thus far, it consists of two outputs. Firstly, a short article published on the Journal of Visual Culture and Harun Farocki Institut platform in June 2020, which responded to the online press conference held by the museum, in which the re-opening was announced. Secondly, a presentation that I gave at the conference Everything Passes Except the Past held at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, on 17 October 2020 and organised by the Goethe Institut Brussels (project curated by Jana J. Haeckel).
The full panel, with a presentations by Dr Angelica Pesarini and by the MuCiv's curator Rosa Anna di Lella, as well as the following discussion, is available here.
Please notice that it is mostly in Italian language.